Monday, December 15, 2008

verification paypal without credit card and vcc

i shall inform how to memverifikasi paypal you without credit card and without virtual credit card many sold at internet world. equally you has account paypal verified freely for that will be scrutinized till finish yes. if friends stills common what that paypal the easyer paypal that is a kind of savings at illusion world or internet.

with has account paypal we can buy or sell goods via internet easily, hurry and more safe. resemble with alertpay, liberty reserve dan e-gold but paypal better from all payment procesor because most of all internet business use paypal so easier besides surplus account paypal we can transfer into our savings

Bagaimana caranya daftar?
1. Klik paypal untuk daftar paypal.
2. Pilih “Indonesia” pada pilihan negara.
3. Pilih yg “Premier Account” untuk bisa digunakan bayar dan terima uang secara online trus pilih ‘continue’. (Pilih ‘business’ untuk transaksi yang besar dan bisa dipakai untuk multi-user).
4. Isi data diri anda dan lain-lainnya secara lengkap. (Sesuaikan dengan KTP, mungkin diperlukan kalau ada masalah). Pastikan email yang dimasukkan valid, karena email ini juga digunakan untuk login.
5. silahkan aktifasi account kamu lewat email yang dikirim oleh paypal ke alamat email yang kamu gunakan untuk daftar

langkah selanjutnya yang paling penting adalah.setelah kamu terdaftar pasti account kamu belum verified.ada beberapa cara untuk memverifikasi account anda

1. lewat kartu kredit jika teman-teman punya kartu kredit.

2. jika tidak punya kartu kredit teman-teman bisa beli virtual kartu kredit yang ada dijual lewat bisnis internet dengan keyword "VCC"

3. namun yang ingin saya kenalkan kepada teman-teman jauh lebih baik.teman-teman bisa punya kartu kredit tanpa harus mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun dengan KLIK DISINI.silahkan teman-teman klik register yang ada dimenu bagian bawah lalu isi data anda dengan benar, setelah terdaftar teman-teman harus merefererensikan lagi keteman-teman yang lain sampai 10 orang downline dibawah teman-teman menggunakan link referal yang dikasih kepada teman-teman agar dapat mendapat kartu kredit gratis tersebut.jika teman-teman sudah mempunyai 10 downline silahkan aja meminta kartu kredit tersebut lewat member area.

Sampai disini dulu pemberitahuan saya kepada kalian.. semoga bermanfaat


Sunday, December 7, 2008

verification manner PAYPAL

1. logging to account paypal you 2. click “add credit card” 3. your card data input - to vcc choose visa - isincard number, expiraion date and card verification number (to vcc matching with the one which at give by seller vcc you) 

4. after finished and out picture above, to vcc ask “expuse number” in seller vcc you 
5. after get “expuse number” return to logging to account 
paypal you and click menu “confirm my rate of flow or credit card”

6. Masukan 4 angka “Expuse Number” anda

                                                                         finished! !                                                         account paypal you verified 
                                               and ready support your online business



for you that has Account Paypal, there one stage again that must you  
do so that account paypal you can be used to get and doing 
certain infinite payment. 
do so that account paypal you can be used to get  
certain infinite payment 
melakukan Widrow/direct liquefaction to your bill. 
there many manners to do verification paypal that is with
Credit card, Debit 
Card, Prepaid credit card dll. 

to credit card from indonesian bank that can be used verification al from:
Visa - BNI Visa - Mandiri Visa - Citibank Mastercard - BCA Mastercard - BRI
Mastercard. if you are verification with wear credit card so you can contain
bill paypal from credit card. while DEBIT CARD/ATM keluaran 
bank in indonesia not yet can at use for verification paypal
how if you not has credit card?  
for you doesn't has unnecessary credit card berkecil heart, you are permanent bisa 
do verification paypal you by using “Kartu Kredit Virtual” atau 
“Virtual Credit Card” (VCC). 
yeah paypal admit vcc as a means of verification, so for you not have
credit card or you that worry if must use the credit card because 
“Rawan Penyalahgunaan” can use VCCto alternatifnya : 
next where can you get vcc places :  
1. Harga : $.20,-  
2. Harga : $.35,- untuk $.5,- paypal  
3. Harga : $.35,- untuk $.5,- Paypal 

Untuk Penjual Indonesia Silahkan kunjungi :

(Harga antara Rp.125.000,- s/d Rp.150.000,-)



manner opens account paypal

for you mengeluti online business world, especially that like program-
international program sure knows paypal as one of [the] e-payment enough
many used at online business world.

ok we direct shall begin from manner will make it :

1. visit , Klik Sign Up

2. choose country and kind paypal you want
- Personal : if for transfer and get
- Business : if to do trade
choose whichever. . later can you upgrate freely

3. form contents

4. when choose business here's list that you contents next :

5. finish !!
Silahkan Cek Email anda dan Klik Link Konfirmasi yang di kirimkan Oleh

until here you has account paypal and can at use
to follow programs bisni existing online.

account paypal you email address whom you register for example : , itulah yang anda isikan that's you fill in in form or one who
ask about account paypal you.

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